Wednesday, May 2, 2007

More kudos to Lara

Okay, I know I have posted about her in the past and I really worry that I am going to appear all single white female, but I swear, this is honest to God, from my heart.

Lara, of Life: The Ongoing Education, freaking rocks my socks off! I just cannot say enough good things about this woman! She makes an effort to comment on my blog every day. She is just so supportive and loving and really just an amazing friend to me. It makes me wish we didn't live across the country from each other. It also makes me wish I was a better blog friend to her.

Every morning I go to my email and am always giddy with excitement when I see a new comment from her (I am excited when I see any one's comments, but hers are usually the one that I can always count on to be there... if that makes sense). She is just so amazing!

I know, from reading her blog, she has her own life to worry about (and even devotes time to what her roommate has to worry about), but she still takes the time to send me words of encouragement. She just makes me feel loved and I am so appreciative!!

She is the best blogging friend a person could ask for. Beyond that, her blog freaking rocks socks too! She is such a great writer. She always finds the right way to say things. And she says them in a way that makes you want to keep reading.

My RSS feed has gotten rather lengthy, and, as a result, I have to usually pick and choose which ones I get to read daily and then which ones I catch up on when I have more time. Hers is one in the "must read daily" category. Her writing is just great, and I feel like I am missing something if I go a day or two without reading.

I just want to say thank you to Lara. She is really a valuable asset to the blogging world (and the real world too, but my interactions are limited to the blog world). Her comments are always kind and positive. Her writing is always inspiring. She is a committed friend who takes time to check in on her blog friends. She is just an amazing woman whom I aspire to be more like.

If you read my blog and you didn't stumble over to me from Lara's blog, go check her out. She is a rock star. She is my blog hero. I am just so thankful for her.



Lara said...

if i could blush via text, i totally would. i'm so glad to be your bloggy friend, and i definitely wish we lived closer, too. you are too sweet to devote blog time to me. thanks much, lady. :)

Kilgore Trout said...

Yeah Lara is a sweet heart. She comments on mine quite a bit, she's got a book meme I'm going to have to steal soon, and she even nominated me for an Award, which shocked me more than you can imagine. So I too will express my gratitude, maybe once I've known her longer I'll write about her. She did get a thank you post after the award so I suppose I already have given her a post.