Thursday, July 26, 2007

Second Trimester Afternoon Sickness?!?

I made it through the first trimester with no major feelings of yuckiness! Thank God!

I am a wuss and could not have handled daily puking or anything like that! I said God must have known that and spared me.

I have been in my second trimester for a few days now, and I think maybe God forgot or something... Tuesday night we went out for Mexican food and on Wednesday I felt yucky all day long. I attributed it to the Mexican food. So, today, mid-afternoon, I got all yucky feeling again!

And it seemed typical "morning sickness" kind of yucky in that I just felt yucky and certain smells (specifically the marinating turkey breast my mom put in the oven) about sent me to the can... I am so going to be upset if this becomes a daily thing. I know it is a little early to panic and it is only two days of yucky and I shouldn't complain, but I am getting nervous.

Is increased anxiety a common symptom in the second trimester?? The other day I was worried about weight gain (specifically in my butt), and today I am freaking out about afternoon sickness...

Paranoid much?

I think so!

So, don't worry about me, I am just stressing about every little thing. My mom and I almost headed to the ER yesterday because of weird cramps in my tummy (I called the new doc, but because they haven't seen me they can't give me medical advice)... I think I might be focusing my life stress onto stressing about baby stuff... I don't know...

I think I will have to post a belly pic in the near future, but cross your fingers that it can wait until after my upcoming conference. There is a HUGE job fair at this conference and I am NOT telling potential employers that I am preggo (so let's hope they can't notice!).

Sorry for the randomness, I am just trying to get back into the habit of daily (or almost daily) postings.

P.S. Major Kudos to my dad for helping me set up Quicken for all my bills and stuff! He Rocks my Socks!!



ewe are here said...

You're not a wuss. You've been under a lot of stress lately and you've been through a lot ... all things that could magnify those icky pregnancy side effects.

Hang in there. If the symptoms don't ease up a bit, talk to your ob/gyn for reassurance.

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the afternoon sickness and meat smells making you sick. I had most of my nausea in the afternoon and I still can't have the smell of pork. :) My son is now 2 1/2.
It does get better though for most people.

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

I'm so sorry. I can totally relate, though. I had all-day sickness for the first half of my pregnancy with Elise. (With nicholas it was all-day, but only for the first trimester). Hang in there. I hope it goes away.

Amy said...

I was queasy in the afternoons in my second trimester, too.

I chewed ginger candies when I felt yucky - it really helped.

MDC said...

Hang in there! I hope it gets better for you soon. Prayers and good wishes!

The City Gal said...

Hey Girl!

You are doing just fine! Increased sensitivity to smells is very normal during pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Hey chickie, hope all is doing well. Just wanted to give you the heads up that I moved to Typepad!

Take care!

Lara said...

hey, totally off-topic, but i tagged you for a meme over at my place. in case you're in the mood for some light and fun blogging. no worries if not, though! :)