Monday, July 23, 2007

Pregnancy Phenomenon

Part of moving meant I took a look at what fits and what doesn't. Before I moved I gave away five trash bags of skinny clothes. I finally broke down and gave away those size 10 clothes that I moved from Oklahoma to Florida that never fit while I lived in Florida. I also gave away most of my size 12 clothes, seeing as those haven't fit in well over a year. I did keep a few size 12 items that have fit in the last year, but those size 12s fit only after a span on addipex (a wonder drug, btw).

So when I got home and started going through my clothes, I discovered the first casualty of my pregnancy... Wait, wait, wait. Let me give a little back story here...

While on the road, I was noticing that my underwear were not fitting quite the way I like them to. I just thought maybe this had something to do with extended periods of time in the car and my behind just being tired of taking the brunt of the trip...

So, back home and going through my clothes... I have a whole duffel bag of blue jeans to be put away. I decide I better try on my jeans to see what fits and what doesn't. All the jeans in the bag are size 14. These jeans all fit somewhat recently. So I start trying them on, and one by one, I realize that NONE of them fit. And it isn't that my belly is getting in the way. My belly hasn't really grown much yet.

No no! It is not the belly.

It is my butt.

My butt has grown. I have lost weight during my first trimester, but my but has gotten bigger.

OK all you moms out there, is this normal?? WTF??? My butt? Bigger?!? This is just not going to work for me!

So all day today I have had anxiety about getting bigger. I have three pairs of non-maternity jeans that still fit. I have one pair of capri pants that still fit. My t-shirts still fit. That's about it. God please let something in my work wardrobe still fit for my interview tomorrow so I can go in and not look pregnant.

OK, so any have any pregnancy-butt-getting-bigger stories to share?? Please share them. I am freaking out a little that I am becoming an uncute pregnant lady and dear God all I want is to be a cute pregnant lady! Please, just let my belly get round and the rest of me conform to my new shape. I am OK with never being thin, but I just don't want to get fat and gross. (Don't get me started right now on my prospects of never having sex again seeing as my husband has left me and men do not want sex with random pregnant women... not that I want random sex, but that isn't the point here.)


On an unrelated note, I just got back from CVS where I fell down while my mom and I were leaving. Wow that sucked! They had been cleaning the floors and didn't post a sign and I was in flip flops and down I went. My mom freaked out and yelled at me about wearing flip flops and worried about me and this made me feel bad and made me cry. Then she freaked about the crying. It was not fun. I feel fairly OK... My wrist is a little sore and I will have a little boo-boo on my knee, but otherwise it wasn't that bad. I am a little worried about what falling means as a pregnant person... Should I be worried? Just wanted to share that tid bit...



Major Bedhead said...

Babies are pretty well protected in there. If you don't have any cramping or bleeding, you should be fine. If you're really worried, you could call your OB in the morning.

Sorry about the whole butt expansion thing - sadly, that's a pretty common thing when you're pregnant. I have four kids. I don't even want to DISCUSS my butt.

Anonymous said...

Butt expansion happens. Your hips will get wider too. Some people are lucky and they get their old body back, but most bodies really change. You can loose the baby weight, but your body shape will be different.

As long as you are not cramping or bleeding, I wouldn't be too worried. You're not far enough along for the fall to be too bad (lots of cushion and space). It's when the baby is cramped with less cushion that there is more of a worry.

Felicia said...

A little slip, you should be ok. Heck I was rear ender when I was 6 months and the baby was fine, but if you feel off, you should go to the ER. Just keep an eye on yourself...

Ok, I was not skinny when I got pregnant last year I was like a size 18, here is my advice, especially since you are working. Buy some pretty pregnant cloths, don't try to fit in to your old stuff, you really have to embrace and love your new body, it all has to do with how you like yourself. As crappy as I felt toward the end, I still made a little effort,becuase it made me feel better. So, my advice, go spend a little money and buy stuff you can mix and match. I think I spent like 200.00 and had enought to mix and match until the end. You might want to buy a little bigger, because that belly will grow. =) Don't worry! I bet you look great. The one thing I miss about being pregnant. I had really great hair!! Good luck!!!

Oh! has great plus size maternity wear, plus thier exchange policy is great.
Sorry this was so long. =)

ewe are here said...

I fell twice going down the stairs in my third trimester earlier this year... Babies are very well protected in their... I'm sure s/he's fine. ;-)

And don't worry about your bottom while you're pregnant. Worry about weight issues post-pregnancy (after a reasonable amount of recovery time, of course!). Right now, just focus on eating properly.