Saturday, June 23, 2007

Checking in

Well, things have not vastly improved, but I am very appreciative of your support and words of encouragement.

Things got worse early last week, so my dad flew out to keep my company and give me a hug. I cannot express how grateful I am that he did that. It also makes me really sad that my life had gotten so bad that my daddy had to fly far away just to make me feel better. But, so is life, I guess.

On Friday, Dad and I flew home and now I am here. I am gonna kick it here for two weeks and hope that time will help G get his shit together. I don't really know. He wouldn't talk with me before I left, so I don't know what he is hoping to accomplish while I am gone.

I don't know much, really. I am just trying to focus on the baby and staying healthy and not stressing. That not stressing thing is easier said than done, but that is my daily goal--not stressing.

So please think positive thoughts for my family--that we will come out on the other end better for all this drama. I will post again this week with hopefully a positive update. We shall see.



Lara said...

i'm glad to hear that you're with family. i hope G is able to find some peace, and stay strong enough to work through these problems. i will be sending you all wonderful thoughts and blessings, especially to the little one! :)

Anonymous said...

Still in my thoughts. I hope everything gets easier.

Cristina said...

I'm glad to hear that your dad is there for you during this difficult time. I will be thinking of you and hoping for the best for your family.