Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm baa-aaaack

Wow, that was quite the hiatus. Alot has happened since my last post. I had to take a little break until I felt comfortable enough to post things about my life again. For my returning readers, you will see I made a few changes and spruced the place up a little bit.

So let me catch you up with some short short stories.

1. the husband was, in fact, cheating on me, and he and his girlfriend (and her two daughters) now live in my house.

2. I filed for divorce as early as I could (did you know you can't file for divorce in Texas while you are pregnant?) and he has been dragging ass, I suspect as a way to prolong not paying child support.

3. I am still teaching part time and enjoying that, but I have recently been hired to do training and documentation for claims compliance at an insurance company. Right now I don't really know what exactly that means, but I know it means a steady paycheck and benefits, which are good things!

4. The pregnancy was fabulous!! I loved being pregnant... In spite of all the drama going on in my life, I was a happy preggo. I am going to post the few blogs I wrote on myspace about the drama while I was pregnant, just to keep you up to date.

5. And this one won't be a short short story. This one is my whole life. This one is Eleanor Logan.

She was born Jan. 8, 08 at 8 p.m. via c-section. She is healthy and happy and just plain fabulous. I am madly in love with her! So, the birth story...

I went into the hospital at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday (1/8/08) and they started inducing labor because they were concerned that she hadn't been gaining weight in the womb. I labored until about 7:30 p.m., but the doc didn't feel like I was making enough progress so we decided to do a C-section. It only took them less than 30 minutes to get me into the OR and get going on getting her... It was a little scary, but not that bad. She weighed 7 pounds 1.6 oz and was 19.5 inches long. Because she was born via c-section (and didn't get the "squeeze" of going through the birth canal), she had a little fluid on her lungs and was breathing a little fast, so she went to the NICU.

Eleanor spent four days in the NICU and was discharged only a day after me. Initially they were saying she might need to be there for up to three weeks, so when she made such a strong recovery so quickly, everyone was impressed! She is just so smart, strong, and beautiful! She started drinking out of a bottle day 3 (which was earlier than they expected) and was immediately breastfeeding--she is an eating champ! The nurses and doctors in the NICU were so impressed that her blood sugars were so stable (most babies of diabetics struggle in their first few days, but the docs said because I had managed my diabetes so well during pregnancy that she did better than most).

So that is how she got here... There have already been so many adventures with her in her short little 2-month life. I know I will be writing much more about her.

So, I just want to try to get back in the swing of blogging. I have so much to celebrate now, I don't think I have to worry about being a "debbie downer..." I hope I get some of my readers back. I cannot say enough positive things about the love and support you all provided me during those hard times. I am so excited to get back and catch back up with everyone. If you can forgive me for dropping off the face of the planet, leave me a comment!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to here things are going well. I have often wondered how you were doing. Baby pictures would be great please!!!

Erica said...

I'm not sure if I ever left a comment before. I am a lurker, and have been patiently waiting for an update. Especially about the precious babe. I am so happy for you and glad to see you back. I hope things continue to look up and keep us posted!! You are a strong woman, keep up the good work! Take care,Erica

Amy said...

Glad to see you back, and congratulations on your daughter.

Major Bedhead said...

Hey!! Welcome back!!

I love the name Eleanor. That was on my short list for both of my girls, but sadly, got nixed.

I'm glad to hear you're both doing well and can't wait for further updates.

Unknown said...

Welcome back!! I look forward to more posts about you and Eleanor.