So I didn't make it to the singles event tonight... Bummer. But I am going to try to attend the Wednesday night activities at Eleanor's school (a local baptist church) this week... I just feel like I'm waiting for God to tell me where He wants me worshipping...
At the superchurch they are doing a devotional about God's vision for us. The first reading was basically that we are all guilty and that God loves us anyways, hence sending Jesus to die for our sins. It got me thinking that part of my hesitation to plug in at a church is feeling guilty that I know I don't lead the life God always wants for me... But clearly He knows I screw up and all He wants is for me to pay attention to Him. So I'm going to try to focus simply on that--paying attention to God.
I'm not going to become the perfect Christian overnight so I need to take it one step at a time. Step number one will be paying attention. Anyone have tips for paying attention?
I've heard people talk alot about hearing God and I've never felt like I heard Him. This frustrates me and makes me upset with myself. I don't blame God that I can't head him, I blame me. I must be listening wrong. So I need tips on that too. How do I listen for God better? Any feedback is appreciated!
Also, this is the first post I am texting in so I apologize for type-os or if this sucks... I'm trying here...
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